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FastDDM is a Python package for the analysis of microscopy image sequences using Differential Dynamic Microscopy on CPU and GPU. The features implemented are targeted at the experimental soft matter research community dealing with inert and active/biological samples.


Example scripts#

These examples demonstrate some of the Python API.

Calculation of the image structure function and its azimuthal average:

import fastddm as fddm

file_names = [...]  # define here your list of image file names
images = fddm.read_images(file_names)

pixel_size = 0.3    # um
frame_rate = 50     # frames per second

# compute image structure function and set experimental parameters
dqt = fddm.ddm(img_seq, range(1, len(img_seq)))
dqt.pixel_size = pixel_size

# compute the azimuthal average
aa = fddm.azimuthal_average(dqt, bins=dqt.shape[-1] - 1, range=(0.0,[-1]))

Indices and tables#

Python API

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